Gluten Free Bakery
Gluten Free Breads are all about making Organic Sourdough Bread from whole foods, with no added fillers. Our breads are dense, moist and cake-like, without sugar. This makes them easier to digest than most gluten free loaves, while giving you lots of nutrients.
Here is our Selection :

Brown Rice Loaf
Little Stream’s original Gluten Free loaf, selling for over 26 years. Now with added sprouted brown rice flour.
Features: Vegan, no gums added, just organic whole ingredients. Neutral flavour bread. Great for folks who want a Gluten Free bread and no sugar, easily digested and nutrient-dense, that will not overpower the flavour of other foods.
Made with steam cooked rice in every loaf.
Demographic: A good choice for someone just starting to eat gluten-free who is more comfortable with familiar-sounding ingredients than “exotic” grains or legumes. Parents looking for a nutritious gluten free bread.
Ingredients: *Brown rice flour (long, sprouted), Water, *Brown rice, *Ground flax seeds, *Rice sourdough culture, *Olive oil, *Psyllium, Sea salt. *Organic

Buckwheat Loaf
The buckwheat in this bread comes from Quebec. This is Little Stream’s top selling Gluten Free loaf, selling for over 25 years.
Made with steam cooked millet in every loaf.

Vegan, no added baker's yeast. We use organic whole ingredients and a European 18+ hour sourdough fermentation process to make all our breads.
Demographic: Parents looking for a nutritious gluten free bread.
Ingredients: *Buckwheat, Water, *Millet, *Ground flax seeds, *Sourdough culture, *Olive oil, Sea salt. *Organic

Protein Loaf
Grain Free - Gluten Free Protein Loaf, with sprouted chickpea flour, buckwheat & hemp hearts to provide 7 grams of high quality easily digestible complete protein.
Ingredients: *Buckwheat flour, Water, *Sprouted Chickpea flour, *Buckwheat groats, *Hemp hearts, *Ground flax seeds, *Sourdough culture, *Olive oil, Sea salt. *Organic

Features: Over 55% Quinoa Per Loaf, 5 G complete protein per slice. No sugar, gums or binders. Vegan, using ground flax as a binder. We do not use any of the top 9 allergens in our Gluten Free bakery. No eggs, dairy, wheat, soy, peanuts, tree nuts, mustard family, shellfish, or fish.
Quinoa is not a grain but an annual herb seed indigenous to the Andes. It grows well in arid high elevations areas. Quinoa is a complete source of high protein, gluten free, easy to digest and high in magnesium & iron. It also has a low glycemic index.
All our gluten free breads are sourdough. The complete 18-20 hour fermentation with no yeast added, means all our breads are much easier to digest, and more bioavailable.
Ingredients: *Quinoa flour, Water, *Millet, *Flax seeds, *Millet sourdough culture, Psyllium seed husk, *Olive oil, Sea salt. * organic

Raisin Chia
This is Little Stream’s sweet Gluten Free loaf, with organic raisins. Vegan, no gums added, just organic whole ingredients.
Made with steam cooked rice in every loaf.
Ingredients: *Brown rice flour, Water, *Millet, *Raisins, *Chia seeds, *Rice sourdough culture, *Olive oil, *Cinnamon, Sea salt. *Organic

Replenishing work-out snack food
Features: Many customers have chosen this bread because of it’s nutritional break-down. Made with pea protein. millet, chai and sorghum and provides 5 g of organic vegan protein per slice. Holds together nicely. Top performer in our Panini Bread challenge.
Demographic: Great option for Paleo diet followers. Great pre or after work-out food (Kathy Smart). Those looking for a flax free bread.
Ingredients: *Yellow pea flour, Water, *Millet flour, *Sorgum flour, *Millet, *Chia seeds, *Millet sourdough culture, *Olive oil, Sea salt. *Organic
Our Bread are shipped Ontario wide. We do not ship outside of Ontario.
Each loaf size: 680 g - 3.25” x 4.35” x 6.75”
Our gluten free breads are baked in a wood-fired oven.
This means a much smaller carbon footprint, using sustainably harvested local fuel

The rules we follow to maintain a gluten-free integration:
1) SOURCE OF GLUTEN-FREE PRODUCTS - Little Stream buys certified Gluten-Free buckwheat, rice, millet, quinoa, sprouted chickpea flour for our breads.
2) LEVAINS: Little Stream breads are leavened with sourdough culture, a mix of flour and water allowed to ferment in a controlled way. For gluten free breads this involves mixing a ferment made from rice flour, millet or buckwheat and water. This gives the bread a deeper more complex flavour and makes the bread easier to digest as the starches and bran are partially broken down. Sourdough culture is incorporated into the dough and allowed to rise for 18 plus hours. The rising process releases valuable nutrients. True sourdough breads like Little Stream's have a lower glycemic index than their yeast bread counterparts.
No baker's yeast is allowed on Little Stream premises, because its organisms can compromise the sourdough culture and its nutritional qualities
3) EMPLOYEES: Dedicated Employees Make Consistently Good Bread. Little Stream is a small, low turnover company. The experienced and conscientious staff, some with over 20 years service, understand the importance of paying attention to detail. As a certified organic producer, Little Stream tracks the origin, provenance and inventory of all ingredients. This experience is easily transposed to the requirements of producing gluten-free breads. Owner/founder Graham Beck works in production as well as administration.