
Gluten Free Bakery Update August 2022

Dear loyal Little Stream Bakery customers,
After 5 years of maintaining two separate bakeries, we are downsizing and consolidating back to just one.
With rising costs and greatly increased rent for our gluten-free baking facility, combined with lower sales not strong enough to support two buildings, this has become necessary.
We will be closed from Sunday, August 28 to Sunday, September 4 inclusive to complete the set up of the dual production bakery at our Tay Valley location.
This means we will be making traditional and gluten-free breads at the same location.
What does this mean for our gluten-free line?
We are very confident we can maintain a gluten-free standard of under 10 ppm by following strict protocols.
Our plan is to have separate equipment with very thorough clean outs of the only production room.
We have, in the past, made both our traditional and gluten-free line in the one bakery.
In those 10 years of doing so, we demonstrated with testing that we could maintain the 10 ppm and under gluten free standard. We are confident we can do that again with even stricter protocols.
We understand the concern some of our gluten-free customers will have with this change and welcome any questions to be directed to our office during regular hours by phone or through email (please do not write through our social media platforms in regards to this change).
There are many positives that will come from this change such as all our breads will be once again made in our wood fired oven. This means a much smaller carbon footprint than the current gas oven at the gluten-free bakery. We look forward to be using sustainably harvested local fuel for all of our breads again!
You can also expect the same high nutritional and ecological standards from our full line of breads as you have before.
Thank you to our customers, your understanding and support,
Graham Beck
Little Stream Bakery